Yoga International

An excellent site for online yoga study which includes Nadiya’s Qi Yoga training videos. The New York IYI is a community where the goal for all people is to have an easeful body, a peaceful mind, and a useful life. IYI offers many classes and workshops on using Yoga to deal with a wide variety of life-threatening and chronic health conditions.

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Tibet House US

Tibet House US is dedicated to preserving Tibet’s unique culture at a time when it is confronted with extinction on its own soil. By presenting Tibetan civilization and its profound wisdom, beauty, and special art of freedom to the people of the world, it hopes to inspire others to join the effort to protect and save it.

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Robert Peng

Nadiya’s wonderful East Coast Qigong teacher, Robert Peng. Over the last three decades, Robert Peng has helped hundreds of thousands of people of all ages and cultures find peace, health, happiness and creativity through Qigong.

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Nelia Vishnevskyyoga