Rachel Beare
Nadiya's reverence and attention to detail is beautifully palpable.
It is an honor and a bountiful blessing to have Nadiya in my life, I believe The Shala, my home & my Yoga students and studio still resonate with higher vibrations because of her influence.
Nadiya is practical, fun, genuinely loving and made entirely of heart, she is the perfect balance of steadiness & freedom.
She holds space so effortlessly in any situation. I have a feeling she was a Wise Elder since before she was born.
Her authenticity is so obvious that it touches everyone around her in a way that gives us permission to whole-heartedly be ourselves.
Nadiya is both an inspiring teacher & an excellent human and because of her cultivation of Love & Acceptance, our world is truly a better place. Aho!
— Rachel Beare, The Yoga House Glennawillin Ireland